Healthy snacks made from ripe fruit

Your time is valuable - and so are your snacks!

We bring you juicy snacks made directly from ripe fruits. Our vitamin bombs are conveniently packaged - no peeling or chopping required for a mouth-watering bite. With MySnack, you keep your mind alert and enjoy a delicious natural energy injection. And the best thing? You can snack completely sin-free!

Why are these snacks so good?

ikoon vitamiinid ja mineraalid

Plenty of vitamins and minerals

ikoon vegan

Suitable for vegans

ikoon kiudaineterikas

Rich in fiber

ikoon 100% maitsev

Original recipes

ikoon toitumisspetsialistid soovitavad

Nutritionists approve

ikoon farm to table

Straight from the farm to the table

Helpful thoughts on nutrition and snacks